Should I Paint My Property’s Light Poles?
One of the most effective ways you can improve the appearance of your property is to paint any metal structures on it. For example, painting metal fences, poles, and signposts will improve their appearance and protect them from corrosion and damage. But pole painting isn’t a DIY task. There is a lot more to painting a pole than a tall ladder.
But For Light Poles, Height Is Important!
Often, we must use a boom lift or “cherry picker” to reach the incredible heights that must be painted. While many people get a wave of butterflies in their stomachs at those heights, those of us in the pole painting industry are used to reaching for the sky. And we know how to do it safely thanks to training, the right equipment, and years of practice.
Even Ground-Level Metal Painting can be Tricky
Have you ever tried to paint a chain-link fence? We are experts when it comes to intricate painting jobs like this. Whether your painting needs are high up, on the ground, or somewhere in between, we have the experience needed to do the job right!
It Starts With The Right Preparation
We first remove any corrosion. We powerwash an even smooth surface. Then, we apply rust-inhibiting epoxy to the bare metal. This will prevent new rust from forming. We apply this primer by hand at the manufacturer’s recommended spread rate of 10 mils to ensure thorough and complete coverage. We allow the primer to dry for at least 12 hours.
We Use Specialized Paint Products
We encourage you to hire a professional if you want a coating that will last, it isn’t going to come from the hardware store and truly, Pole Painting isn’t a DIY. At Cobalt Coatings, we use a premium industrial urethane finish coat. To ensure thorough and complete coverage, we hand roll the finish coat on at the manufacturer’s recommended spread rate of 4.25 mils.
We take pride in our work, and our process sets us apart. Call Us First–For Coatings that Last!